As your vending business grows you'll want to get a website. When you have a website for your business you bring a whole new world of opportunity to move into the global market. The question that most business owners wonder is how to get traffic to your website. The science of getting website traffic is the key to brand building. Twitter and other social
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Web site Marketing, website rankings, Marketing of your website on the Major Search Engines, Banner ads on Yahoo, blog advertising to the First Automated SEO product TopBlog, at 1/3 of traditional Search Engine Optimization cost, that rank you higher in the organic section.
Why Didn’t They Retweet You? 7 Steps to Guaranteed Retweets #blogdaily 4 I just have the philosophy that you should treat people the way you’d expect to be treated in a situation, or even better. If I didn’t know you, and walked up to you on the street, and asked you to take me to the airport, bags in hand, you’d think I was nuts. You’d probably cross the street and keep walking.
When you ask a stranger to do you a favor online, that’s what you’re doing. See, I consider the fact that you’re listening to me right now a huge privilege, not an entitlement. And so I’m going to try my hardest to keep you with me. And if you’ve spent even a single dollar with me, same deal.
Is there a right way to get people to retweet you? I don’t know. But this is what I have found to be successful. Oh and before I continue, I’m not trying to be a know it all here, I’m trying to help you. I’ve done this successfully before… meaning I turned a quick retweet into front page news not too long ago.
Here’s my method.
First, before I ever need their help, I find out who the important people are in the areas that interest me, or would be good for business. Then, I weed out people I don’t share common interests with, or don’t vibe with.
Next, I start friendly conversations with these folks. The ones who don’t respond within 3 days, I don’t judge. I just focus on the ones that do, and keep monitoring them on a back burner.
Third, I do them favors. Not to create a debt vaccuum, but 1- because that’s what you do for a friend and 2- to see how they react.