If you are new to the business you are probably wondering how tell if you got a quality location. You got to develop that keen sense of knowing good from bad when looking at a location. My advise is you have to do the p.m. and a.m. on any business inorder to tell if they have traffic. Lets take Mcdonalds for example, there is a period of the day when Mcdonalds slows down in doing business and then picks up at a certain time. At 6 am to 9am Mcdonalds is booming then it will slow down for a few hours and pick back up around 12pm for lunch slow again and pick up around 6pm for dinner. When you visit a business do the Mcdonalds and look to see if they are getting morning traffic and then afternoon traffic and then evening traffic. If a business is not getting any traffic when you pull during peeks of the day then thats not a good location.
Vending is like real estate once you get a good location the money just comes pouring in. It may take you some time to get a keen sense of whether a business is good for you and thats okay but visit the business several times before you make your placement on the business.
The Vending Owner Locator, vs. the Vending Machine Locator Service
As noted above, finding the vending machine locations you want and then talking the business owners who run those businesses into letting you use their establishment for your vending machine location, are two completely different things ...
Publish Date: 09/04/2010 3:00
Vending Machine Business Locations Are Easy To Find! www.MyVendingSecret.com Get my Free Vending Report & learn how to quit your day job just like I did! I left a $50000 a year job to go full out with vending! Learn My One Simple Secret!
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