Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Re: Bountiful Candy

This is called bountiful candy. Do you know how many repeat sales are lost due to not enough candy being vended? TOO MANY!

Don't Bogart your candy! You want to vend bountiful amounts of candy so your customers come back to you time and time again! Most vendors have the misconception that the biggest consumers of candies are kids. Maybe in some cases, but Generally it's the employees! Employees are going to eat your candy day in and day out. Trust me, a hungry auto mechanic can support an M&M Peanut machine all by himself.

Since we're on this topic, give the mechanics a quarter or two when you're there! They will appreciate and use your machine even more.

Don't be stingy on your candy. You know what they say, do unto others as you would have done unto you!

8 M&M Peanuts, No Less!

10 Skittles

10 Runts

10 M&M Regulars

1 Gumball

This well help you gage how to set your machines and sales ..

check out http://www.Kickstart.com for more info.

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